Friday- I went to a Greek festival with the girls in our town! We go every year and it's always a great time! The food, music, and jewelry was amazing! It's so interesting and the Greek dancing is beautiful and so enjoyable!
Saturday- I took the SATS (so exhausting!). Saturday night I had a movie night with a good friend and we watched Valentines Day. It was good but kind of a knock off of He's Just Not That Into You and Love Actually (my favorite movie EVER). It was cute (only because I love love!) but also very complex and confusing.
Sunday- I went to my friend Phil's graduation party. The venue was beautiful, the food delicious, and the company great!
Now on to Today! Jeanne and I sat outside and painted some Vineyard Vines themed crafts! It was so fun and I think they came out pretty well! Jeanne made a big VV whale with her monogram underneath and I made a VV themed picture frame with my monogram at the bottom as well! :)
Please excuse the bad picture quality- they were taken on my blackberry.