Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Christ the King Service Project

Good afternoon! OK, so my mom volunteers at a school in Newark that just started up three years ago. There are three classes now, freshmen, sophomore, and junior. These kids are granted scholarships in order to attend the school because they can't afford the tuition. They come from poverty stricken areas in Newark. In order to help pay for their tuition, they work 1 or 2 days a week and attend school for the rest of the week. These kids are truly inspiring; most kids from the inner-city would roll their eyes at the idea of wearing uniforms, but these kids see it as a blessing and even a luxury. They come from dangerous inner-city public schools where the graduation rate could be about 40%, to Christ the King, which has a graduation rate of about 99%. I went to the school to help with my mom one time and was TRULY inspired. The kids are amazing and are so happy to be in a safe, loving, Catholic environment. SO a few months ago I came up with the idea that I would collect slightly used prom dresses, bags, shoes, shawls, etc. for the girls at Christ the King for their senior prom next year. I have been successful so far but I still have much more to do for them! I know this is a big request- but if ANYONE has anything to donate, it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! If anyone would be so kind to do this, I will cover shipping costs! Please email me, my email is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I am so happy I have a year to complete this project, and I am confident that I will be able to get it all done! XOXOXO!!!


  1. What a great project and the girls there will love it! I don't know if I have anything, but I will check when I'm back home in three weeks!

  2. That sounds like such a fantastic project! I'm sure I have some things and will check at home this weekend! When would you need them by?

  3. You two are so sweet! I just need them by the end of the summer- that is when I will begin sorting and everything & bring them to the school for fittings! :)
